Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Managing Design and Sustainability Innovation Essay

Managing Design and Sustainability Innovation - Essay Example It is true that Design Thinking is more than the article has highlighted but it has tried to capture the fundamentals that entail the concept: Question, Care, Connect and Commit (Berger 2010). I believe that Warren Berger captured these sentiments from real interaction with designers so as to develop a comprehensive and simple approach to Design Thinking. The study spans 10 years with at least 100 designers reviewed. It is however true that Design Thinking is more than meets the eye in the actual world of business. When taking the four fundamentals as stated by Berger, it is easy for it to be inapplicable in a real business scenario. The basic reason for this is that the area looked into was the design industry which varies hugely with other industries e.g. entertainment or manufacturing. The basic idea here is customization of Design Thinking to fit the respective context of its application. One example is the critical aspect of trying to uncover end users’ opinions. In some industries which have less contact with end users it would be hard to track significant information unlike in others for example, the service industry. Design in some way focuses on product creation. This is backed by the fact that in Design Thinking the aim is to ensure that what is to get to the end users is of the expected, if not a higher than expected, value. In this endeavor it is overly clear to deduce that one major force behind Design Thinking is product creation. Apple and P&G have been offered as examples of this scenario meaning that it is true in many recent successful companies. These companies have concentrated in designing products that surpass market expectations thereby creating a level of curiosity that has inevitably made competitors think in the same direction. To these companies huge profits have been in the offing. Tracking designers’ work to get an overview of what Design Thinking is all about is a good approach. This is because it

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Similarities and Differences between Baboon and Human Being Term Paper

Similarities and Differences between Baboon and Human Being - Term Paper Example Based on social behavior studies, psychological and physical stress levels remain exceptionally higher amongst individuals within the lower hierarchy. The social behaviors results include high blood pressure, suppressed immune system and increased stress hormones. It is imperative to note that due to the social behaviors baboons can differentiate real menace and neutral factor in a similar manner as behaviors of neurotic persons. In addition, both human beings and baboons believe that violence control implicates less stress and good health. Mostly, the highly sociable baboons normally have a healthier lifestyle and with minimal stress in a similar manner to human beings. Minimize social stress directly relates to reduces mental and physical torture with consequent comfort in health. The social build up is indispensable in a realization of least social stress, and it begins at birth amongst both baboons and human beings. Besides health-related stress similarities, baboons also have a strong tendency towards competition and aggression just like human beings. In a similar way as human beings, baboons develop inherent competitive urge when relating to each other. In addition to competitiveness aggression, baboons also directly get involved in decision-making processes in a similar way as human beings. Typically, baboons develop thinking and take sides during discussions both emotionally and rationally just like human beings. However, human beings slightly differ with baboons mainly because their decisions may surpass the immediate situation and environment. Furthermore, both the baboons and humans manifest wickedness and envy friendship in all their social associations. Another important social behavior relates to the unique personality developed by an individual and baboons.Â